Dr Silviu Bogusevschi
Today, we are proud to feature Dr Silviu Bogusevschi, former Postdoctoral Researcher at Tyndall, who now has an exciting role at Microsoft as a Software Engineer, specialising in the development of deep learning software.
Silviu shares his career milestones to date as well as honest advice for those wishing to follow in his footsteps. He also shares with us how his engineering mindset is balanced by his family and creative passion, landscape photography.
What is your current role and how different is it from your role in Tyndall?
I currently work as a Software Engineer at Microsoft, where I develop deep learning software. Deep learning is a technique that teaches computers to find patterns in data using specific models. Over time, solving these models became an exponentially more complex problem, in many cases requiring an entire supercomputer. My job is to develop software that will solve both the most challenging models of today and even the complex models of tomorrow.
Previously, I worked as a Deep Learning Software Engineer at Intel. Unlike my previous work at Tyndall, where I used software to perform theoretical modelling, my current goal is to develop software that will help researchers in their theoretical modelling.
How did your time at Tyndall progress your career?
During my PhD project at Tyndall, I had an opportunity to develop theoretical modelling software that would produce the most important data for my project and work in the fastest way possible. I gained significant experience in software development whilst working on this project. It also helped me to understand the importance of fast software for theoretical modelling and the challenges that theoretical researchers are facing when they try to accelerate their modelling. This experience strongly motivated me to transition to a software engineering career.
What inspired you to pursue a career in research?
My interest in research was primarily driven by the desire to investigate and solve the most challenging problems in semiconductor physics. My goal was to develop novel semiconductor technologies with superior efficiency that everybody can benefit from.
Tell us your best memories of Tyndall
I am mostly excited by the times where I achieved something new: working on a cluster and supercomputer, publishing a paper, presenting at a conference, hard binding my thesis. I also met my wife, Katya, at Tyndall while I was working on my thesis.
Share with us your career milestones
I graduated with my bachelor’s and master’s degree at Moldova State University in 2010 and 2012 in experimental physics. Then, I joined Tyndall, where I started my PhD in theoretical physics in 2014 and my postdoc in 2019. After that I moved with my family to USA, where I joined Intel as a Software Engineer in 2020, and then I switched to Microsoft in 2022 as a Software Engineer.
What’s your advice for those following in your footsteps?
One third of our lives is spent at work in our chosen careers, so we need to make sure we wholeheartedly believe in what we are pursuing. It is also critical to surround ourselves with people that share our passion and from whom we can learn more.
My interest in research was primarily driven by the desire to investigate and solve the most challenging problems in semiconductor physics. My goal was to develop novel semiconductor technologies with superior efficiency that everybody can benefit from.
Getting Personal
Who or whom inspires you and why?
I am still being inspired and motivated by renowned author Marie Kondo and her approach on organization, decluttering and appreciation. It helps me to prioritize things that I enjoy, and to let go of things that hinder my growth.
How do you like to spend your personal-time?
I love landscape and wildlife photography, so during my free time I go to places where I enjoy capturing pictures, then I print these at home and hang them somewhere on the wall.
If you weren’t doing the job you’re doing now, what would you be doing?
I wish I could travel around the world, meet people along the way and taste all kinds of cuisine.
What’s a motto you live by?
Life is beautiful.
2021 has been a challenging year for many and some have taken it as a time to reflect. What would your own learnings be from 2021?
The most important thing I learned during 2021 is to live for the day. Because of this, I tell my family that I love them and that I miss them more often, I appreciate the time with my wife and my kids even more, I try to avoid spending time on things that I do not enjoy, and I can better hear my inner voice.