Tyndall Quality Policy

It is the stated and agreed policy of Tyndall National Institute to:

  • Maintain a world-class quality management system compatible with I.S. EN ISO 9001:2015 which is fully integrated across all aspects of our activities
  • Establish and maintain systems to determine all aspects of our customers’ needs and expectations
  • Ensure systems and controls are maintained and resourced to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015
  • Generate systems for the establishment and assessment of quality objectives across all areas of activity
  • Review the effectiveness, and continually improve significant aspects of our management system by establishing, measuring and reporting on specific quality objectives.

We recognise that quality is the concern of everybody in the organisation, and it is our communal responsibility to ensure that all customers’ requirements are clearly stated and understood and that all products or services provided to customers either meet or exceed these stated requirements. It is management policy to ensure that all employees have sufficient training and resources provided so as to understand and satisfy these demands. We will do everything that is reasonably practical to provide a safe place of work for all who work within. We will comply with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and with any associated regulations, codes of practice and guidance notes.

Prof. William Scanlon
CEO, Tyndall National Institute

Quality Assurance

Tyndall National Institute is ISO certified to ISO 9001 since 1998. We are proud of the certificates and accreditations we hold; they not only benefit the company and our employees, but most importantly, our customers. You can trust in Tyndall National Institute that we adhere to the very latest standards, consistently monitor and improve our performance to maximise the sustainability of our research, development and innovation activities in the field of information communication and technology (ICT).

We have a secure electronic based software program which allows us to manage our Quality Management System requirements. This ensures consistency and traceability of our data and allow us to monitor and analysis our results to encourage innovation, learning and creativity.

ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management

ISO 9001:2015 is the internationally recognised standard for quality management of businesses. Our certification reassures our customers that Tyndall National Institute has a robust and fully implemented Quality Management system that emphasizes meeting the requirements of our customers, and that drives continuous improvement throughout our company.

ISO 17025:2017 – Competence of testing and calibration laboratories

ISO 17025:2017 specifies the general requirements for the competence to carry out tests and/or calibrations, including sampling. It covers testing and calibration performed using standard methods, non-standard methods, and laboratory-developed methods. Our accreditation reassures our customers that we are technically competent and operate to consistently produce accurate, traceable and dependable test and calibration data.

ISO 17025 Quality Policy
(Download PDF)

Other Accreditations

Current Certificates:

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