Entrepreneurship and Innovation

​At Tyndall National Institute, entrepreneurship and innovation have always been important ​and as Ireland’s leading ICT research Institute we are acutely aware of our responsibility to support​ disruptive innovation, which results in the generation of value-added economic activity.​

‘New Ventures’ at Tyndall refers to all innovation and entrepreneurship activity which ​typically manifests in the form of spin-outs and start-ups but which also includes spin-ins, accelerator programmes ​and innovation facilities. ​

Our Vision

Our New Ventures culture and supports ensure that, through proud association, generations of ​Tyndall founders maintain a lifelong relationship with Tyndall and UCC, including ongoing research, commercial engagements and philanthropic endeavours. ​

We work very closely with our colleagues in UCC Innovation to give new ventures the best start in life. Tyndall’s new ventures team is looking to support motivated individuals that are keen to explore the commercial potential arising from their deep-tech research activities.​

Business Partners

At Tyndall we are always on the lookout out for prospective business partners or advisers that can work with and support our deep tech spin-out prospects. A common issue that affects commercialisation projects is how to attract and introduce people with relevant commercial experience to support developing startup teams. ​

We have teams of technically brilliant founders but they often need to onboard a commercial person that can act in one of the following capacities: ​

  • A Commercial Lead or Partner to join the research team during a Commercialisation Fund project or when a spin-out a company is established​
  • A mentor/adviser to help guide the researchers at an early stage in the development of the business proposition​

If you are interested in finding out more about the opportunities that exist to work with Tyndall commercialisation teams, please Contact​ Us.

Free Pic No Repro Fee 01 02 2024 Photography By Gerard McCarthy 087 8537228 More Info Contact [email protected]
Free Pic No Repro Fee 01 02 2024 Photography By Gerard McCarthy 087 8537228 More Info Contact [email protected]

Entrepreneurs in Residence

Tyndall’s Entrepreneur In Residence (EIR) Programme provides researchers at Tyndall with an opportunity to explore their business proposition with experienced entrepreneurs who will provide valuable guidance and mentorship at a very early stage in the lifecycle of the proposition.​

​Our current EIRs are Declan O’Mahony, Denise Tormey and  ​Joe O’Keeffe.

Declan O’Mahoney

Declan O’Mahoney, an engineer and entrepreneur based in Ireland with extensive international experience in developing technology companies.

Denise Tormey

Denise Tormey is the President & Co-Founder of PlanNet21 Group. She is a Chartered Accountant by profession. Denise bootstrapped her company to a hugely successful global technology provider which enables businesses transform their IT. 

Joe O’Keeffe

Joe is an experienced entrepreneur & founder of multiple start-ups. He was until recently, VP of Display Research at Meta, with responsibility for all display and optics-related technology development and productization for Facebook’s AR, VR and Portal products.