Materials, Devices and Modelling (Photonics)
The photonic materials, devices and modelling research programme within Tyndall concentrates on developing and understanding photonic material applications, their theoretical simulation and modelling and device fabrication. Theoretical modelling (of surface organization and processes), together with material electronic properties (including 2D, 1D and 0D structures) complement the epitaxial effort to deliver world class results, proved through demonstrator fabrication in Tyndall’s state-of-the-art cleanroom facilities. Our programme is organised around frontier research in materials development, material and their organisation modelling and device structure simulations, confirmed by proof-of-concept device demonstrations.
Our vision is to enable deep-tech innovation for next-generation and emerging photonic technologies in the field of telecommunication, information processing (including quantum) and sensing.
Our mission is to deliver state-of-the-art solutions to obtain:
- More efficient light sources from deep UV to near infrared (especially telecom)
- Enhanced photonic on–chip capabilities for signal processing, computation and sensing
- More efficient devices for energy (e.g. specialised solar cells, engineered energy distribution devices for harsh environments, more efficient rectification devices etc).
Research Challenge
Key to developing next generation photonic devices is understanding epitaxial processes, materials and their architectures’ properties. Technological challenges encompass developing new architectures and novel material ensembles, while developing devices with enhanced compatibility for the emerging field of large scale photonic integration. Very relevant to future challenges comes the broadening of the spectral range of applications through developing novel material combinations, such as allowing efficient deep UV sources, or addressing the >2 micron window for future fiber telecommunication expansions, while developing novel 1D and 0D devices.
Recent Publications
P. Pampili, V.Z. Zubialevich, P. Maaskant, M. Akhter, B. Corbett, PJ,. Parbrook, “InAlN-based LEDs emitting in the near-UV region“, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 58 (SC), SCCB33, (2019).
M. O’Donovan, P. Farrell, J. Moatti, T. Streckenbach, T. Koprucki and S. Schulz,
“Impact of random alloy fluctuations on the carrier distribution in multicolor (In, Ga) N/Ga N quantum well systems”, Physical Review Applied 21, no. 2: 024052, (2024).
E.E Mura, A.M Gocalinska, M. O’Brien, R. Loi, G. Juska, S.T Moroni, J. O’Callaghan, J. Arredondo, B. Corbette and E. Pelucchi, “Importance of overcoming MOVPE surface evolution instabilities for> 1.3 μm metamorphic lasers on GaAs“, Crystal Growth & Design, 21(4), 2068-2075, (2021).