Salvatore Tedesco

MicroNano Systems

Forward-thinking researcher with a strong background in applied artificial intelligence in several contexts (healthcare and well-being, industry X.0, agri-tech, radiofrequency), novel wearable technologies and their applications in human motion analysis, digital health, and physiological monitoring, and edge analytics and machine learning, resulting in > 100 peer-reviewed scientific publications and > 30 research projects.

Excellent team leader, manager, mentor, team player and strong builder of prolific collaborations in different aspects of basic and applied research to industrial and research-oriented projects, which lead to > € 1.4 million in grant funding as PI and co-PI.

Creative and self-motivated individual with the ability to work in a multi-disciplinary multicultural environment with a unique combination of a detail-oriented mindset, driven personality, analytical skills and the proven ability to meet tight deadlines by working in a fast-paced work environment leading to original contributions in multiple research areas.

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Salvatore Tedesco is a forward-thinking researcher with a strong background in novel wearable technology for healthcare and well-being applications integrating data science and machine learning resulting in > 70 peer-reviewed scientific publications and > 25 research projects.
Excellent team leader, manager, mentor, team player and strong builder of prolific collaborations in different aspects of basic and applied research to industrial and research-oriented projects, which lead to > € 1.1 million in grant funding as PI and co-PI.
Creative and self-motivated individual with the ability to work in a multi-disciplinary,  multicultural environment with a unique combination of a detail-oriented mindset, driven personality, analytical skills and the proven ability to meet tight deadlines by working in a fast-paced work environment leading to original contributions in the wireless wearable sensors research area.

Research Interests

Research Interests

Salvatore’s research interest are focused on wearable technologies for healthcare and wellbeing, human movement analysis in sports and clinical populations, motion sensors, signal processing, data analytics and machine learning. Further contributions deal with RFID Technology and antenna design and ultrawideband localization systems for indoor applications

Research Grants

Funder Start Date End Date Title Role
Enterprise Irl 01-JUN-16 16-DEC-16 Kneehabilitation – Low Cost wearable system for physio post knee surgery Principal Investigator
Enterprise Irl 01-OCT-17 30-SEP-19 Wearable Sensors for Determining Ground Reaction Sources Principal Investigator
Industry/EI Projects 01-OCT-17 30-SEP-19 Wearable Sensors for Determining Ground Reaction Sources Principal Investigator
Enterprise Irl 01-AUG-17 30-SEP-19 Smart Knee System for at Home Rehabilitation Principal Investigator
Enterprise Irl 01-SEP-19 31-OCT-22 Holistics -Holistic Human Sensing for Health and Wellness Principal Investigator
Health Research Board 01-DEC-19 31-OCT-22 Implementation of a Frailty Care Bundle for older adults in acute care Principal Investigator

Contract Researchers

Name Project Role
Liudmila Khokhlova INSIGHT Postgraduate Researcher
Colum Crowe Sendoc / Abbvie Research Assistant
Eduardo Perez-Valero Setanta Research Assistant
Nektaria Dagini SKYRE Research Assistant
Marco Sica Sendoc / Abbvie Research Assistant
Oscar Manzano Torre SKYRE Research Assistant
Andrea Urru Kneemetrics Research Assistant
Zaffar Haider Janjua HOLISTICS Postdoctoral Researcher
Dimitrios Sokratis Komaris Setanta / INSIGHT Postdoctoral Researcher
Andrea Ancillao Setanta Postdoctoral Researcher
Gloria Passabi VR Glove Other
Danilo Condoleo SAFESENS Other
Niccolo Normani Rambus Other
Sonia Bottone SKYRE Other
Salvandrea di Salvo Setanta Other
Martina Andrulli HOLISTICS Other


Published Reports

Year Publication
2021 AI at the Edge, 2021 – EPoSS White Paper
Bierzynski, Kay; Calvo Alonso, Daniel; Gandhi, Kaustubh; Lehment, Nicolas; Mayer, Dirk; Nackaerts, Axel; Neul, Reinhard; Peischl, Bernhard; Rix, Nigel; Röhm, Horst; Rzepka, Sven; Seifert, Inessa; Steimetz, Elisabeth; Stree, Bernard; Tedesco, Salvatore; Veledar, Omar; Wilsch, Benjamin (2021) AI at the Edge, 2021 – EPoSS White Paper. : EPoSS: European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration.
2020 Smart textiles for healthcare and medicine applications (WG1): State-of-the Art Report, CONTEXT Project
Boesel, Luciano F.; Furundžić, Dijana P.; Furundžić, Nikola Z.; Gedanken, Aharon; Grabchev, Ivo; Haj Taieb, Amine; Ivanoska-Dacik, Aleksandra; Malionowski, Szymon; Marković, Darka; Mohr, Gerhard; Oguz Gouillart, Yesim; Pinho, Pedro Maja ; Sezai Sarac, Abdulkadir ; Staneva, Desislava ; Tedesco, Salvatore; Vicente Ros, Jose (2020) Smart textiles for healthcare and medicine applications (WG1): State-of-the Art Report, CONTEXT Project. : CONTEXT Project.
2020 Smart textiles for sportswear and wearables (WG5): State-of-the Art Report. CONTEXT Project
Kazani, Ilda; Lutz, Volker; Malik, Sharali; Mazari, Adnan; Nierstrasz, Vincent; Rodrigues, Lúcia; Tedesco, Salvatore (2020) Smart textiles for sportswear and wearables (WG5): State-of-the Art Report. CONTEXT Project. : Europe.

Peer Reviewed Journals

Year Journal Publication
2021 Clinical Biomechanics Dynamic stability during stair negotiation after total knee arthroplasty.
Komaris, Dimitrios-Sokratis; Tedesco, Salvatore; O’Flynn, Brendan; Govind, Cheral; Clarke, Jon; Riches, Philip (2021) Dynamic stability during stair negotiation after total knee arthroplasty.. : .
2021 JMIR Mhealth And Uhealth Older adults’ experiences with using wearable devices: Qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis
Moore, Kevin; O’Shea, Emma; Kenny, Lorna; Barton, John; Tedesco, Salvatore; Sica, Marco; Crowe, Colum; Alamäki, Antti; Condell, Joan; Nordström, Anna; Timmons, Suzanne (2021) Older adults’ experiences with using wearable devices: Qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis. : .
2021 Applied Sciences-Basel A wearable system for the estimation of performance-related metrics during running and jumping tasks
Tedesco, Salvatore; Alfieri, Davide; Perez-Valero, Eduardo; Komaris, Dimitrios-Sokratis; Jordan, Luke; Belcastro, Marco; Barton, John Hennessy, Liam; O’Flynn, Brendan (2021) A wearable system for the estimation of performance-related metrics during running and jumping tasks. : .
2021 Plos One Continuous home monitoring of Parkinson’s disease using inertial sensors: A systematic review.
Sica, Marco; Tedesco, Salvatore; Crowe, Colum; Kenny, Lorna; Moore, Kevin; Timmons, Suzanne; Barton, John; O’Flynn, Brendan; Komaris, Dimitrios-Sokratis (2021) Continuous home monitoring of Parkinson’s disease using inertial sensors: A systematic review.. : .
2021 Finnish Journal Of Ehealth And Ewelfare Validation of the wearable sensor system – MoveSole® smart insoles
Alamäki, Antti; Nevala, Elina; Jalovaara, Juha; Barton, John; Tedesco, Salvatore; Condell, Joan; Muñoz Esquivel, Karla; Kelly, Daniel; Heaney, David; Gillespie, James; Karim, Shvan; Davies, Richard; Nordström, Anna; Åkerlund Larsson, Markus (2021) Validation of the wearable sensor system – MoveSole® smart insoles. : .
2020 Sensors Using Domain Knowledge for Interpretable and Competitive Multi-Class Human Activity Recognition
Scheurer, Sebastian; Tedesco, Salvatore; Brown, Kenneth N.; O’Flynn, Brendan (2020) Using Domain Knowledge for Interpretable and Competitive Multi-Class Human Activity Recognition. : .
2020 IEEE Sensors Journal Assessment of hip and knee joints and implants using acoustic emission monitoring: A scoping review
Khokhlova, Liudmila; Komaris, Dimitrios-Sokratis; Tedesco, Salvatore; O’Flynn, Brendan (2020) Assessment of hip and knee joints and implants using acoustic emission monitoring: A scoping review. : .
2020 BMC Public Health Daily step count and incident diabetes in community-dwelling 70-year-olds: a prospective cohort study
Ballin, Marcel; Nordström, Peter; Niklasson, Johan; Alamäki, Antti; Condell, Joan; Tedesco, Salvatore; Nordström, Anna (2020) Daily step count and incident diabetes in community-dwelling 70-year-olds: a prospective cohort study. : .
2020 Sensors Motion Capture Technology in Industrial Applications: A Systematic Review
Menolotto, Matteo; Komaris, Dimitrios-Sokratis; Tedesco, Salvatore; O’Flynn, Brendan; Walsh, Michael (2020) Motion Capture Technology in Industrial Applications: A Systematic Review. : .
2020 Sensors Comparing Person-Specific and Independent Models on Subject-Dependent and Independent Human Activity Recognition Performance
Scheurer, Sebastian; Tedesco, Salvatore; O’Flynn, Brendan; Brown, Kenneth N. (2020) Comparing Person-Specific and Independent Models on Subject-Dependent and Independent Human Activity Recognition Performance. : .
2020 Sensors Motion sensors-based machine learning approach for the identification of anterior cruciate Ligament gait patterns in on-the-field activities in rugby players
Tedesco, Salvatore; Crowe, Colum; Ryan, Andrew; Sica, Marco; Scheurer, Sebastian; Clifford, Amanda M.; Brown, Kenneth N.; O’Flynn, Brendan (2020) Motion sensors-based machine learning approach for the identification of anterior cruciate Ligament gait patterns in on-the-field activities in rugby players. : .
2019 Age and Ageing An Exploration of the Feasibility and Acceptability of Wearable Technology in Parkinson’s Disease: 255
Kenny, Lorna; O’Riordan, Clíona; Wilkinson, Tony; O’Sullivan, Mary; Agurjanovs, Janis; Tedesco, Salvatore; Sica, Marco; Crowe, Colum; Barton, John; Timmons, Suzanne (2019) An Exploration of the Feasibility and Acceptability of Wearable Technology in Parkinson’s Disease: 255 . : .
2019 Age Now! – Online Journal of Ageing SENDoc – to implement wearable sensors in rehabilitation practice for the elderly
Nevala, Elina; Alamäki, Antti; Jalovaara, Juha; Muñoz Esquivel, Karla; Condell, Joan; Heaney, David; Barton, John; Tedesco, Salvatore; Kelly, Daniel; Davies, Richard; Nordström, Anna; Åkerlund Larsson, Markus (2019) SENDoc – to implement wearable sensors in rehabilitation practice for the elderly. : .
2019 Plos One Accuracy of consumer-level and research-grade activity trackers in ambulatory settings in older adults
Tedesco, Salvatore; Sica, Marco; Ancillao, Andrea; Timmons, Suzanne; Barton, John; O’Flynn, Brendan (2019) Accuracy of consumer-level and research-grade activity trackers in ambulatory settings in older adults. : .
2019 International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences LASSO regression for monitoring patients progress following ACL reconstruction via motion sensors: a case study
Tedesco, Salvatore; O’Flynn, Brendan (2019) LASSO regression for monitoring patients progress following ACL reconstruction via motion sensors: a case study. : .
2019 Age and Ageing Accuracy of Off the Shelf Activity Trackers in Ambulatory Settings in Young and Old Adults:95
Barton, John; Timmons, Suzanne; Tedesco, Salvatore; Sica, Marco; Crowe, Colum; O’Flynn, Brendan (2019) Accuracy of Off the Shelf Activity Trackers in Ambulatory Settings in Young and Old Adults:95 . : .
2019 Age and Ageing User Preferences for the Design of Wearable Technology Systems – A Scoping Review: 194
O’Riordan, Clíona; Kenny, Lorna; Tedesco, Salvatore; Sica, Marco; Crowe, Colum; Barton, John; Timmons, Suzanne; O’Flynn, Brendan (2019) User Preferences for the Design of Wearable Technology Systems – A Scoping Review: 194 . : .
2017 International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences Inertial Sensors-based Lower-Limb Rehabilitation Assessment: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Gait, Kinematic and Statistical Metrics
Tedesco, Salvatore; Urru, Andrea; Peckitt, James; O’Flynn, Brendan (2017) Inertial Sensors-based Lower-Limb Rehabilitation Assessment: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Gait, Kinematic and Statistical Metrics. : .
2017 Sensors A Review of Activity Trackers for Senior Citizens: Research Perspectives, Commercial Landscape and the Role of the Insurance Industry
Tedesco, Salvatore; Barton, John; O’Flynn, Brendan (2017) A Review of Activity Trackers for Senior Citizens: Research Perspectives, Commercial Landscape and the Role of the Insurance Industry. : .
2016 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters Improved NLOS Error Mitigation Based on LTS Algorithm
Khodjaev, Jasurbek ; Tedesco, Salvatore; O’Flynn, Brendan (2016) Improved NLOS Error Mitigation Based on LTS Algorithm. : .
2015 Sensors and Transducers Novel Smart Glove Technology as a Biomechanical Monitoring Tool
O’Flynn, B.; Sachez, J.; Tedesco, S.; Downes, B.; Connolly, J.; Condell, J.; Curran, K. (2015) Novel Smart Glove Technology as a Biomechanical Monitoring Tool. : .
2013 IEEE Sensors Journal Customized Ultra High Frequency Radio Frequency Identification Tags and Reader Antennas Enabling Reliable Mobile Robot Navigation
Catarinucci L, Tedesco S, Tarricone L (2013) Customized Ultra High Frequency Radio Frequency Identification Tags and Reader Antennas Enabling Reliable Mobile Robot Navigation. : .

Conference Publications

Year Publication
2020 ICWH 2020: Wearables in Healthcare
Khokhlova, Liudmila; Belcastro, Marco; Torchia, Pasqualino; O’Flynn, Brendan; Tedesco, Salvatore (2020) ICWH 2020: Wearables in Healthcare. : .
2020 Proceedings of 2020 IEEE Sensors
Tedesco, Salvatore; Perez-Valero, Eduardo; Komaris, Dimitrios-Sokratis; Jordan, Luke; Barton, John; Hennessy, Liam; O’Flynn, Brendan (2020) Proceedings of 2020 IEEE Sensors. : .
2020 ISBS Proceedings Archive: 38th International Society of Biomechanics in Sport Conference
Komaris, Dimitrios-Sokratis; Perez-Valero, Eduardo; Jordan, Luke; Barton, John; Hennesy, Liam; O’Flynn, Brendan; Tedesco, Salvatore (2020) ISBS Proceedings Archive: 38th International Society of Biomechanics in Sport Conference. : .
2020 eTELEMED 2020 : The Twelfth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine
Federico, Andrea; Belcastro, Marco; Torchia, Pasqualino; Tedesco, Salvatore; O’Flynn, Brendan (2020) eTELEMED 2020 : The Twelfth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine. : .
2019 ICECS 2019: 26th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS)
Tedesco, Salvatore; Belcastro, Marco ; Manzano Torre, Oscar; Torchia, Pasqualino; Alfieri, Davide; Khokhlova, Liudmila; O’Flynn, Brendan (2019) ICECS 2019: 26th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS). : .
2018 12th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST 2018)
Tedesco, Salvatore; Torres-Sanchez, Javier ; O’Flynn, Brendan (2018) 12th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST 2018). : .
2018 HEALTHINFO 2018 : The Third International Conference on Informatics and Assistive Technologies for Health-Care, Medical Support and Wellbeing
O’Flynn, Brendan; Dagini, Nektaria; Bottone, Sonia; Urru, Andrea; Tedesco, Salvatore (2018) HEALTHINFO 2018 : The Third International Conference on Informatics and Assistive Technologies for Health-Care, Medical Support and Wellbeing. : .
2018 2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2018
Tedesco, Salvatore; Sica, Marco; Garbay, Thomas; Barton, John ; O’Flynn, Brendan (2018) 2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2018. : .
2017 SSI 2017: International Conference and Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems
Abraham, Lizy; Urru, Andrea; Wilk, Mariusz; Tedesco, Salvatore; O’Flynn, Brendan (2017) SSI 2017: International Conference and Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems. : .
2017 2017 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS)
Tedesco, Salvatore; Urru, Andrea; O’Flynn, Brendan (2017) 2017 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS). : .
2016 11th conference of the International Sports Engineering Association, ISEA 2016
Tedesco, Salvatore; Urru, Andrea; Clifford, Amanda; O’Flynn, Brendan (2016) 11th conference of the International Sports Engineering Association, ISEA 2016. : .
2016 Global Health 2016 : The Fifth International Conference on Global Health Challenges
Tedesco, Salvatore; Urru, Andrea; Peckitt, James; O’Flynn, Brendan (2016) Global Health 2016 : The Fifth International Conference on Global Health Challenges. : .
2015 IEEE Mediterrenean Microwave Symposium
Tedesco, Salvatore; Khodjaev, Jasurbek; O’Flynn, Brendan (2015) IEEE Mediterrenean Microwave Symposium. : .
2014 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Body Area Networks
Walsh, Michael; Tedesco, Salvatore; Ye, Tingcong; O’Flynn, Brendan (2014) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Body Area Networks. : .
2014 IET Irish Signals & Systems Conference (ISSC) / China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies (CIICT)
Ye, Tingcong; Tedesco, Salvatore; Walsh, Michael ; O’Flynn, Brendan (2014) IET Irish Signals & Systems Conference (ISSC) / China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies (CIICT). : .
2014 International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN)
Tedesco, Salvatore; Walsh, Michael; O’Flynn, Brendan; Newman, Eamonn (2014) International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN). : .
2012 2012 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting
Catarinucci L, Tedesco S, Tarricone L (2012) 2012 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting. : .


Year Publication
2019 Wearable Technology Supported Home Rehabilitation Services in Rural Areas – Emphasis on Monitoring Structures and Activities of Functional Capacity. Handbook
Alamäki, Antti; Nevala, Elina; Barton, John; Condell, Joan; Esquivel, Karla Munoz; Nordström, Anna; Tedesco, Salvatore; Kelly, Daniel; Heaney. David (2019) Wearable Technology Supported Home Rehabilitation Services in Rural Areas – Emphasis on Monitoring Structures and Activities of Functional Capacity. Handbook. : Publications of Karelia University of Applied Sciences B.

Conference Contributions

Year Publication
2018 TMED 2018 – Translational Medicine Conference: Innovating to Live Well for Longer
Muñoz Esquivel, Karla; Kelly, Daniel; Condell, Joan; Todd, Stephen; Davies, Richard; Heaney, David; Barton, John; Tedesco, Salvatore; Nordström, Anna; Larsson, Markus Akerlund; Nilsson, Daniel; Alamäki, Antti; Nevala, Elina (2018) TMED 2018 – Translational Medicine Conference: Innovating to Live Well for Longer. : .
2016 iHealth Conference 2016 – Health Information Systems Research Centre (HISRC)
Salvatore Tedesco, Andrea Urru, Brendan O’Flynn (2016) iHealth Conference 2016 – Health Information Systems Research Centre (HISRC). : .
2015 International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement (ICAMPAM)
Tedesco, Salvatore; Urru, Andrea; Walsh, Michael; O’Flynn, Brendan; Demarchi, Danilo (2015) International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement (ICAMPAM). : .
2015 Smart Systems Integration (SSI) 2015: International Conference and Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Smart Systems
Tedesco, Salvatore; Urru, Andrea; Walsh, Michael; O’Flynn, Brendan; Demarchi, Danilo (2015) Smart Systems Integration (SSI) 2015: International Conference and Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Smart Systems. : .
2014 International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN)
Walsh, Michael; Tedesco, Salvatore; Ye, Tingcong; O’Flynn, Brendan (2014) International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN). : .
2014 International Conference on Global Health Challenges (NexTech 2014, IARIA)
Salvatore Tedesco, Michael Walsh, Brendan O’Flynn (2014) International Conference on Global Health Challenges (NexTech 2014, IARIA). : .
2013 Workshop on Wearable Sweat Sensing for Sports and Health
Salvatore Tedesco, Michael Walsh, Brendan O’Flynn (2013) Workshop on Wearable Sweat Sensing for Sports and Health. : .

Professional Activities

Professional Associations

  • [2016] Member
  • [2016] Member

Honours and Awards

  • [2014] – ISSC 2014 / CIICT 2014 Best Poster Award
  • [2018] – IEEE ICST 2018 Excellent Paper Presentation
  • [2018] – Best Business Idea
  • [2017] – Outstanding Academic Achievement of the Year
  • [2017] – UCC Bridge Network Invention of the Year Award 2017
  • [2017] – Best Student Paper Award – Runner up
  • [2013] – Top 25 most downloaded IEEE Sensors Journal papers


  • [2011] University of Salento, Lecce, Italy – MSc
  • [2008] University of Salento – BSc


  • Italian
  • English


  • [2019] Tyndall National Institute – Senior Research Engineer – Team Leader
  • [2012] Tyndall National Institute – Assistant
  • [2012] Tyndall National Institute – Research Engineer
  • [2011] University of Salento – Research Assistant


  • [2013] Rev4 Wireless Inertial Measurement Unit: Running Shoe Analytics
  • [2013] Rev4 Wireless Inertial Measurement Unit
  • [2013] Rev4 Wireless Inertial Measurement Unit: Hardware & Embedded


  • [2020] TEC-Net, Early-career researchers network at the Tyndall National Institute
  • [2020] Young European Associated Researchers (YEAR),
  • [2020] “AI at the edge” expert group EPoSS,
  • [2020] IEEE CTSoc (Consumer Technology Society) MDA (Machine learning, deep learning, AI) technical stream committee,

Journal Activities

  • J Aging Phys Activ – Referee
  • Frontiers in Physiology – Referee
  • Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine – Referee
  • Sensors – Referee
  • Prev Med – Referee
  • Agr Water Manage – Referee
  • Ieee T Biomed Circ S – Referee
  • JMIR Mhealth And Uhealth – Referee
  • Biomed Res Int – Referee
  • Ieee J Biomed Health Inform – Referee
  • Sports Biomechanics – Referee
  • Expert Systems with Applications – Referee
  • Journal of Sleep Research – Referee
  • Chronobiol Int – Referee
  • Npj Digital Medicine – Referee
  • Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine – Referee


  • FONDECYT (Chilean National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development) – Evaluator
  • Trento Research Council (Italy) – Evaluator
  • “La Sapienza” University (Italy) – Evaluator

Other Professional Activities

  • Referee IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS)
  • Referee IEEE Sensors
  • Referee IEEE Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI) 
  • Digital Badge in the Responsible Conduct of Research, University College Cork
  • Research Integrity – Engineering and Technology, EPIGEUM Online Course – Oxford University Press 
  • Conference Session Chair: GLOBAL HEALTH 2014, August 24-28, 2014, Rome, Italy. Session Title: “Global Health: Alternative”
  • Seminar Organizer and Presenter. Title: “The project lifecycle in research institute – the WSN Group case”, University of Salento, November 2-11, 2020 (6 hours overall)