The Benefits of a Residential Retrofit Renovation Wave in Ireland
The National Climate Action Plan and Programme for Government 2020 outline the Irish Government’s ambition to carry out 500,000 home retrofits to a B2 Building Energy Rating (BER) and install 600,000 heat pumps, calling for a “Renovation Wave” across Europe.
While increasing renovation rates is a challenge, renovation lowers energy bills, and can reduce energy poverty. It can also boost the construction sector and is an opportunity to support SMEs and local jobs.
Ireland taking early and decisive action is an effective way to influence other countries to also reduce climate changing emissions.
“The cheapest and cleanest energy is the energy that we do not use”.
An investment in retrofitting is an investment in the environmental, societal, and economic infrastructures of Ireland.
This report presents the potential benefits to undertaking a national retrofit renovation wave as well as recommendations for retrofitting ambitions.