Culture Night 2024 at Tyndall National Institute

Bring the future to life as Tyndall National Institute opens its doors for an evening celebrating science and technology.

Public engagement and outreach officers Dr Caitriona Tyndall and Alida Zauers with Albi Morrish in the Tyndall Atrium adjoining the cleanroom during Culture Night.

Meet our scientists who will present their cutting-edge research and learn about electronics and photonics (the science of light) through a series of demonstration stands, short talks and activities. There is something for everyone to enjoy!

Children aged 8+ will also have the opportunity to learn about the science of light and electronics by creating their own illuminated greeting cards and spectroscopes. Come and wonder with Saérlaith and find out about miraculous mosses and their carbon capture! Snigger with the snipe as you discover how these birds make their extraordinary sounds.

Culture Night is an annual, all-island public event that celebrates creativity and the arts, culture and places of work.

Tyndall will be open to all science enthusiasts from 5.00pm to 7.30pm Culture Night, Friday, 20th September. The event is free. Registration is required as tickets are limited.

Register for your ticket here.