Tyndall’s Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund (DTIF) Industry Partner Showcase event this week revealed the revolutionary technologies behind key DTIF projects – GAURD, PERCEIVE and an upcoming National Pilot Line in Photonics.
Project PERCEIVE aims to use catheter sensor technology to significantly increase Atrial Fibrillation treatment efficacy and safety while reducing the enormous burden on healthcare systems globally.
Atrial Fibrillation is a heart condition that causes an irregular heart rhythm that can lead to heart failure or stroke.
PERCEIVE will develop an ultrasound-based catheter imaging system that will provide cardiologists with full 360 anatomical data including these features:
- 4D Anatomical Imaging;
- Tissue & Ablation Analysis;
- Procedural Feedback.
The project will help to maintain Irelands position at the forefront of catheter technology development.
The PERCEIVE project is a collaboration between Tyndall, Microelectronic Circuits Centre Ireland (MCCI), Lumavision and Freudenberg and is funded by Enterprise Ireland.
Photonics Manufacturing Pilot Line
The Photonics Manufacturing Pilot Line project is an integrated photonics manufacturing ecosystem located within Tyndall’s state-of-the-art facility and has been designed to advance disruptive photonic technologies from concept to commercialisation, making the transition from research to manufacturing.
With an initial investment of €6m and five industry partners, the project engages with sectors such as MedTech, Life Sciences and Communication and addresses a critical technology and manufacturing gap in the market.
Instrumental to the project’s success to date has been the creation of a dedicated ficonTEC engineering team at Tyndall, providing the necessary production system support and testing facilities, and the associated establishment of a unique facility to develop advanced photonics manufacturing equipment for emerging markets.
The benefit of this co-location and close collaboration with other commercial partners presents a unique partnership between world-class researchers, leading industrial equipment providers, manufacturing experts and product designers, ensuring a sustainable integrated photonics manufacturing capability within Ireland and across Europe.
The Photonics Manufacturing Pilot Line project is led by Professor Peter O’Brien, Head of the Photonics Packaging Group at Tyndall and is a collaboration between Tyndall, ficonTEC Service GmbH, mBryonics, Eblana Photonics, Sanmina and Optics11.
All projects have been developed through the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund (DTIF) programme and the Fund has been administered by Enterprise Ireland.