Kafil Mahmood


Dr. Kafil M. Razeeb is a Principal Scientist and Team Leader at Tyndall National Institute in University College Cork. He received his B. Sc. and Master’s degrees in Applied Physics and Electronics (now Dept. of EEE) from the University of Dhaka, and PhD in the Department of Physics at the University of Limerick. After completing his PhD in 2003, he joined National Microelectronic Research Centre (NMRC), presently known as Tyndall National Institute as a postdoctoral fellow. He became an independent Principal Investigator (PI) in 2005 and commenced developing his core research activities in the application of nanostructured materials in the area of thermal management and thermoelectric, energy storage and sensors. He is a Principal Investigator in Irish Photonic Integration Centre and Funded Investigator of Connect Centre both funded by Science Foundation Ireland. He is also coordinator and PI of several successful EU projects and PI/ Co-PI in many national and EU projects. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and Chartered Physicist and Member of Institute of Physics. At present, he is leading the Advanced Energy Materials group at Tyndall.

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Kafil M Razeeb received his BSc (with honours) and MSc degrees, both in Applied Physics and Electronics from the University of Dhaka in 1997 and 1999, respectively, and the PhD degree in Physics from University of Limerick in 2003. In 2003 he joined NMRC, now Tyndall National Institute, as a Post-Doctoral Fellow. In 2005, he became a Research Scientist and in 2006, Staff Researcher. within the Microelectronics Applications Integration group at Tyndall. He is currently a Principal Researcher within the Micro-Nano Systems Centre at Tyndall, leading the Advanced Energy Materials group. He is principal investigator and coordinator of several Enterprise Ireland and Science Foundation Ireland and European Union funded projects. In his professional career, Dr. Razeeb has been successful in sourcing substantial (over 6M Euros) research funding from the EI, EU and SFI as well as corporate sector.
His current research focuses on the development of novel nanostructured materials for energy generations/scavenging and storage for Power Internet of Things (IoT), 3D Integration, nano-sensors and catalytic properties of novel nano-materials.

Research Interests

Research Interests

• Micro/ Nanostructured materials and devices for energy storage and production
• Thermal, electrical and thermoelectric properties of nanomaterials
• Nanowires and submicron wires for thermal management and interconnection
• Electrochemical and biosensor
• 3D integration and interconnection

Research Grants

Funder Start Date End Date Title Role
Enterprise Irl 01-APR-09 31-DEC-15 EI – Nanoelectronics for an Energy Efficient Electrical Car (E3CAR) International Research Fund Principal Investigator
Industry 01-MAR-01 30-JUN-20 [AEV Contract] {Stam, Dr. Frank} V Principal Investigator
Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology (IRCSET) 01-DEC-10 30-NOV-13 IRCSET INSPIRE Marie Curie International Mobility Fellowship Ju Xu Principal Investigator
European Union 01-SEP-10 06-MAR-14 Best-Reliable Ambient Intelligent Nano Sensor Systems Principal Investigator
European Union 01-MAR-09 28-FEB-12 Nanoelectronics for an energy efficient electrial car Principal Investigator
Enterprise Irl 01-OCT-05 30-SEP-08 EI Contract ILRP/05/PEIG/7a Principal Investigator
Enterprise Irl 01-FEB-09 31-DEC-15 EI – Nanowire/Nanotube Infused Thermal Interface Material Integrated to Thermal Management system Principal Investigator
Enterprise Irl 01-OCT-12 31-MAY-13 Co-ordination Support Principal Investigator
Enterprise Irl 01-MAR-13 28-FEB-14 Development of CMOS Compatible Thermoelectric Materials and Devices. Principal Investigator
Industry/EI Projects 01-MAR-13 28-FEB-14 Development of CMOS Compatible Thermoelectric Materials and Devices. Principal Investigator
Enterprise Irl 01-JUL-14 30-SEP-15 EI”IP-2012-0197 Stage 2″ ; Development of CMOS Compatible Thermoelectric Materials and Devices. Principal Investigator
Industry/EI Projects 01-JUL-14 30-SEP-15 Development of CMOS Compatible Thermoelectri Materials and Devices. Principal Investigator
Science Foundation of Ireland 01-JAN-15 30-APR-16 SFI 14/TIDA/2455 – SweetSens: Biofouling Mitigates Sweat pH and Glucose Sensing Principal Investigator
European Commission 01-FEB-06 13-AUG-09 E-CUBES 3D Integrated Micro-Nano Modules for Easily Adapted Applications
Irish Research Council 19-MAR-13 30-SEP-14 Fabrication of Multilayer Nanowire Based Thermoelectric Device, Enterprise fellowship Maksudul Hasan
Horizon 2020 01-FEB-15 31-JAN-18 Thermally Integrated Smart Photonics Systems (TIPS)
Horizon 2020 01-FEB-15 31-OCT-18 EU – H2020 TIPS – Thermally Integrated Smart Photonics Systems Principal Investigator
Industry 01-SEP-16 31-JAN-18 Development of Wafer Level Thermoelectric Generator Principal Investigator
Science Foundation of Ireland 01-SEP-16 31-DEC-17 Development of Wafer Level Thermoelectric Generator Principal Investigator
Enterprise Irl 09-JAN-18 09-OCT-18 Smart Wearable Autonomous Electrocardiogram Principal Investigator
Science Foundation of Ireland 01-SEP-16 31-DEC-20 TEG platform Principal Investigator
Horizon 2020 01-JAN-19 31-DEC-21 Smart Autonomous Multi Modal Sensors for Vital Signs Monitoring (SmartVista)
Horizon 2020 01-JAN-19 30-JUN-22 Smart Autonomous Multi Modal Sensors for Vital Signs Monitoring Principal Investigator
Science Foundation of Ireland 01-JUN-19 31-DEC-25 IPIC_Phase 2_Platform_KR Principal Investigator
Enterprise Irl 04-JUL-19 04-APR-20 Co-ordination Support Nano-channel thermo-ionic integrated micro-thermoelectric device as a portable power source Principal Investigator
Horizon 2020 01-JUN-21 30-NOV-25 The Recycling of waste heat through the Application of Nanofluidic ChannelS: Advances in the Conversion of Thermal to Electrical energy Principal Investigator
Science Foundation of Ireland 17-JUN-21 31-AUG-23 MEMS device capping Principal Investigator
SFI Industry 17-JUN-21 31-AUG-23 MEMS device capping Principal Investigator
Enterprise Irl 24-AUG-21 24-MAY-22 Advanced thermal management in silicon photonics integrated circuits Principal Investigator
HEACOVID19 01-SEP-22 30-APR-23 HEA Costed Extensions_Tyndall allocation_EI-IP20180759A-DeRoyal-Conor O’Mahony [X] Principal Investigator

Research Collaborators

Company Country Name
UCC IRELAND Dr. Colm O’Dwyer

Contract Researchers

Name Project Role
Swatchith Lal Thermally Integrated Smart Photonics System Postgraduate Researcher
Amit Tanwar SmartVista Postgraduate Researcher
Dr. Padmanathan Narayanasamy Thermally Integrated Smart Photonics System Postdoctoral Researcher
Rajvinder Kaur IPIC Postgraduate Researcher


Peer Reviewed Journals

Year Journal Publication
2021 Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces Electrodeposited thin-film micro-thermoelectric coolers with extreme heat flux handling and microsecond time response
Corbett, Simon; Gautam, D.; Lal, Swatchith; Yu, Kenny; Balla, Naveen; Cunningham, Graeme; Razeeb, Kafil M.; Enright, Ryan; McCloskey, David (2021) Electrodeposited thin-film micro-thermoelectric coolers with extreme heat flux handling and microsecond time response. : .
2020 ACS Applied Energy Materials Enhanced thermoelectric properties of electrodeposited Cu-doped Te films
Lal, Swatchith; Razeeb, Kafil M.; Gautam, Devendraprakash (2020) Enhanced thermoelectric properties of electrodeposited Cu-doped Te films. : .
2020 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Honeycomb micro/nano-architecture of stable ß-NiMoO4 electrode/catalyst for sustainable energy storage and conversion devices
Padmanathan, Narayanasamy; Shao, Han ; Razeeb, Kafil M. (2020) Honeycomb micro/nano-architecture of stable ß-NiMoO4 electrode/catalyst for sustainable energy storage and conversion devices. : .
2019 Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering Fabrication of micro-thermoelectric devices for power generation and the thermal management of photonic devices
Lal, Swatchith; Gautam, Devendraprakash; Razeeb, Kafil M. (2019) Fabrication of micro-thermoelectric devices for power generation and the thermal management of photonic devices. : .
2017 ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology Scientific and Technical Challenges in Thermal Transport and Thermoelectric Materials and Devices
O’Dwyer, C;Chen, RK;He, JH;Lee, J;Razeeb, KM (2017) Scientific and Technical Challenges in Thermal Transport and Thermoelectric Materials and Devices. : ELECTROCHEMICAL SOC INC.
2017 ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology The Impact of Surfactant Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate on the Microstructure and Thermoelectric Properties of p-type (Sb1-xBix)2Te3 Electrodeposited Films
Lal, Swatchith; Gautam, Devendraprakash; Razeeb, Kafil M. (2017) The Impact of Surfactant Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate on the Microstructure and Thermoelectric Properties of p-type (Sb1-xBix)2Te3 Electrodeposited Films. : .
2016 Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces Supercapattery Based on Binder-Free Co-3(PO4)(2)center dot 8H(2)O Multilayer Nano/Microflakes on Nickel Foam
Shao, H;Padmanathan, N;McNulty, D;O’Dwyer, C;Razeeb, KM (2016) Supercapattery Based on Binder-Free Co-3(PO4)(2)center dot 8H(2)O Multilayer Nano/Microflakes on Nickel Foam. : AMER CHEMICAL SOC.
2016 J. Mater. Chem. A Hierarchical NiO-In2O3 microflower (3D)/ nanorod (1D) hetero-architecture as a supercapattery electrode with excellent cyclic stability
Padmanathan, N. and Shao, Han and McNulty, David and O’Dwyer, Colm and Razeeb, Kafil. M. (2016) Hierarchical NiO-In2O3 microflower (3D)/ nanorod (1D) hetero-architecture as a supercapattery electrode with excellent cyclic stability. : .
2015 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Pseudocapacitance of a-CoMoO4 nanoflakes in non-aqueous electrolyte and its bi-functional electro catalytic activity for methanol oxidation
N. Padmanathan and Han Shao and S. Selladurai and Colm Glynn and Colm O’Dwyer and Kafil M. Razeeb (2015) Pseudocapacitance of a-CoMoO4 nanoflakes in non-aqueous electrolyte and its bi-functional electro catalytic activity for methanol oxidation . : .
2015 ECS Transactions Paintable Films from Chemically Exfoliated 2D Bismuth Telluride Nanosheets.
Carroll, E., Buckley, D. P., Collins, G., Holmes, J. D., Razeeb, K. M. & O’Dwyer, C. (2015) Paintable Films from Chemically Exfoliated 2D Bismuth Telluride Nanosheets.. : .
2015 Ionics NiO hybrid nanoarchitecture-based pseudocapacitor in organic electrolyte with high rate capability and cycle life
N. Padmanathan, S. Selladurai, K. Mani Rahulan, Colm O’Dwyer, Kafil M. Razeeb (2015) NiO hybrid nanoarchitecture-based pseudocapacitor in organic electrolyte with high rate capability and cycle life. : .
2015 RSC Advances Ultra-fast rate capability of a symmetric supercapacitor with a hierarchical Co3O4 nanowire/nanoflower hybrid structure in non-aqueous electrolyte
N. Padmanathan, S. Selladurai, Kafil M. Razeeb (2015) Ultra-fast rate capability of a symmetric supercapacitor with a hierarchical Co3O4 nanowire/nanoflower hybrid structure in non-aqueous electrolyte. : .
2014 Wiley-Liss, Inc Electromechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Infused Polyacrylamide Hydrogel
Nathan Jackson, Aisling Sheehan, Maksudul Hasan, Frank Stam, Kafil M Razeeb (2014) Electromechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Infused Polyacrylamide Hydrogel. : .
2014 Journal of Materials Chemistry A First principles investigation of anion-controlled red shift in light absorption in ZnX (X = O, S, Se) nanocluster modified rutile TiO2
Iwaszuk, Anna and Lucid, Aoife K. and Razeeb, Kafil M. and Nolan, Michael (2014) First principles investigation of anion-controlled red shift in light absorption in ZnX (X = O, S, Se) nanocluster modified rutile TiO2. : .
2014 Materials Letters Antimicrobial properties of vertically aligned nano-tubular copper
Razeeb, Kafil M and Podporska-Carroll, Joanna and Jamal, Mamun and Hasan, Maksudul and Nolan, Michael and McCormack, Declan E and Quilty, Brid and Newcomb, Simon B and Pillai, Suresh C (2014) Antimicrobial properties of vertically aligned nano-tubular copper. : .
2014 Ionics Hydrothermal synthesis of carbon-and reduced graphene oxide-supported CoMoO4 nanorods for supercapacitor
Padmanathan, N and Razeeb, Kafil M and Selladurai, S (2014) Hydrothermal synthesis of carbon-and reduced graphene oxide-supported CoMoO4 nanorods for supercapacitor. : .
2014 IEEE Transactions On Components and Packaging Technologies Investigation of Process Parameters and Characterization of Nanowire Anisotropic Conductive Film for Interconnection Applications
Tao, Jing and Hasan, Maksudul and Xu, Ju and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M (2014) Investigation of Process Parameters and Characterization of Nanowire Anisotropic Conductive Film for Interconnection Applications. : .
2013 Journal of the Electrochemical Society Shell@Core Coaxial NiO@Ni Nanowire Arrays as High Performance Enzymeless Glucose Sensor
Jamal, M;Hasan, M;Schmidt, M;Petkov, N;Mathewson, A;Razeeb, KM (2013) Shell@Core Coaxial NiO@Ni Nanowire Arrays as High Performance Enzymeless Glucose Sensor. : ELECTROCHEMICAL SOC INC.
2013 IEEE Transactions On Components and Packaging Technologies High-Temperature Die-Attach Technology for Power Devices Based on Thermocompression Bonding of Thin Ag Films
Smet, Vanessa and Jamal, Mamun and Waldron, Finbarr and Stam, Frank and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M (2013) High-Temperature Die-Attach Technology for Power Devices Based on Thermocompression Bonding of Thin Ag Films. : .
2013 ECS Transactions Novel Core/Shell Ni@NiO/Pt as High Efficient Electrocatalyst for Alkaline Direct Ethanol Fuel Cells
Hasan, Maksudul and Newcomb, Simon B. and Razeeb, Kafil M. (2013) Novel Core/Shell Ni@NiO/Pt as High Efficient Electrocatalyst for Alkaline Direct Ethanol Fuel Cells. : .
2013 Biosensors & Bioelectronics Disposable sensor based on enzyme-free Ni nanowire array electrode to detect glutamate
Jamal, Mamun and Hasan, Maksudul and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M (2013) Disposable sensor based on enzyme-free Ni nanowire array electrode to detect glutamate. : .
2013 Analytical Methods Novel pH sensor based on anthraquinone–ferrocene modified free standing gold nanowire array electrode
Devlin, Louise and Jamal, Mamun and Razeeb, Kafil M (2013) Novel pH sensor based on anthraquinone–ferrocene modified free standing gold nanowire array electrode. : .
2012 Electrochimica Acta Coaxial NiO/Ni nanowire arrays for high performance pseudocapacitor applications
Hasan, Maksudul and Jamal, Mamun and Razeeb, Kafil M (2012) Coaxial NiO/Ni nanowire arrays for high performance pseudocapacitor applications. : .
2012 Journal of Power Sources Ni nanowire supported 3D flower-like Pd nanostructures as an efficient electrocatalyst for electrooxidation of ethanol in alkaline media
Hasan, Maksudul and Newcomb, Simon B and Rohan, James F and Razeeb, Kafil M (2012) Ni nanowire supported 3D flower-like Pd nanostructures as an efficient electrocatalyst for electrooxidation of ethanol in alkaline media. : .
2012 Analytical Methods Sensor and biosensor to detect vascular graft infection: diagnosis and challenges
Jamal, Mamun and Shaikh, Faisal M. and Aslam, Bilal and Razeeb, Kafil M. (2012) Sensor and biosensor to detect vascular graft infection: diagnosis and challenges. : .
2012 Journal of the Electrochemical Society Porous Core/Shell Ni@NiO/Pt Hybrid Nanowire Arrays as a High Efficient Electrocatalyst for Alkaline Direct Ethanol Fuel Cells
Hasan, Maksudul and Newcomb, Simon B. and Razeeb, Kafil M. (2012) Porous Core/Shell Ni@NiO/Pt Hybrid Nanowire Arrays as a High Efficient Electrocatalyst for Alkaline Direct Ethanol Fuel Cells. : .
2012 Journal of the Electrochemical Society Non-Enzymatic and Highly Sensitive H2O2 Sensor Based on Pd Nanoparticle Modified Gold Nanowire Array Electrode
Jamal, Mamun and Hasan, Maksudul and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M. (2012) Non-Enzymatic and Highly Sensitive H2O2 Sensor Based on Pd Nanoparticle Modified Gold Nanowire Array Electrode. : .
2011 Nanoscale Research Letters Ultra-long metal nanowire arrays on solid substrate with strong bonding
Xu, Ju and Chen, Lan and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M (2011) Ultra-long metal nanowire arrays on solid substrate with strong bonding. : .
2011 ECS Transactions Fabrication of Horseradish Peroxidase Modified 3D Pt Nanowire Array Electrode and its Electro-Catalytical Activity towards H2O2
Jamal, Mamun and Hasan, Maksudul and Mischieri, Jennifer and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M (2011) Fabrication of Horseradish Peroxidase Modified 3D Pt Nanowire Array Electrode and its Electro-Catalytical Activity towards H2O2. : .
2010 Biosensors & Bioelectronics Direct electrochemistry of horseradish peroxidase immobilized on a monolayer modified nanowire array electrode
Xu, Ju and Shang, Fengjun and Luong, John HT and Razeeb, Kafil M and Glennon, Jeremy D (2010) Direct electrochemistry of horseradish peroxidase immobilized on a monolayer modified nanowire array electrode. : .
2010 Biosensors & Bioelectronics Disposable biosensor based on immobilisation of glutamate oxidase on Pt nanoparticles modified Au nanowire array electrode
Mamun Jamal, Ju Xu, Kafil M. Razeeb (2010) Disposable biosensor based on immobilisation of glutamate oxidase on Pt nanoparticles modified Au nanowire array electrode. : .
2009 Journal of Applied Physics Magnetic properties of nickel nanowires: effect of deposition temperature
Razeeb, Kafil M and Rhen, Fernando MF and Roy, Saibal (2009) Magnetic properties of nickel nanowires: effect of deposition temperature. : .
2009 Journal of Applied Physics Silver nanowire array-polymer composite as thermal interface material
Xu, Ju and Munari, Alessio and Dalton, Eric and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M (2009) Silver nanowire array-polymer composite as thermal interface material. : .
2008 Journal Of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics Thermal properties of single walled carbon nanotube-silicone nanocomposites
Xu, Ju and Razeeb, Kafil M and Roy, Saibal (2008) Thermal properties of single walled carbon nanotube-silicone nanocomposites. : .
2008 Journal of Applied Physics Thermal diffusivity of nonfractal and fractal nickel nanowires
Razeeb, Kafil M and Roy, Saibal (2008) Thermal diffusivity of nonfractal and fractal nickel nanowires. : .
2007 IEEE Transactions On Advanced Packaging Effect of gold stud bump topology on reliability of flip chip on flex interconnects
Majeed, Bivragh and Paul, Indrajit and Razeeb, Kafil M and Barton, John and O’Mathuna, Sean Cian (2007) Effect of gold stud bump topology on reliability of flip chip on flex interconnects. : .
2006 Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering Microstructural, mechanical, fractural and electrical characterization of thinned and singulated silicon test die
Majeed, Bivragh and Paul, Indrajit and Razeeb, Kafil M and Barton, John and O’Mathuna, Sean C (2006) Microstructural, mechanical, fractural and electrical characterization of thinned and singulated silicon test die. : .
2006 Acta Materialia Statistical fracture modelling of silicon with varying thickness
Paul, I and Majeed, B and Razeeb, KM and Barton, J (2006) Statistical fracture modelling of silicon with varying thickness. : .
2006 Applied Physics Letters Characterizing stress in ultrathin silicon wafers
Paul, Indrajit and Majeed, Bivragh and Razeeb, Kafil M and Barton, John (2006) Characterizing stress in ultrathin silicon wafers. : .
2005 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Analysis of magnetic interaction in Ni nanowire array grown using electrodeposition process
Rahman, IZ and Boboc, A and Razeeb, KM and Rahman, MA (2005) Analysis of magnetic interaction in Ni nanowire array grown using electrodeposition process. : .
2005 Microelectronics International A 3D miniaturised programmable transceiver
O’Flynn, Brendan and Bellis, S and Mahmood, K and Morris, M and Duffy, G and Delaney, K and O’Mathuna, C (2005) A 3D miniaturised programmable transceiver. : .
2005 Computer Communications Development of field programmable modular wireless sensor network nodes for ambient systems
Bellis, Stephen J and Delaney, Kieran and O’Flynn, Brendan and Barton, John and Razeeb, Kafil M and O’Mathuna, Cian (2005) Development of field programmable modular wireless sensor network nodes for ambient systems. : .
2005 Lecture Notes In Computer Science A co-designed hardware/software architecture for augmented materials
Dobson, Simon and Delaney, Kieran and Razeeb, Kafil Mahmood and Tsvetkov, Sergey (2005) A co-designed hardware/software architecture for augmented materials. : .
2004 Journal of Materials Processing Technology Characterisation of electrodeposited nickel nanowires using NCA template
Rahman, IZ and Razeeb, KM and Kamruzzaman, Md and Serantoni, Marina (2004) Characterisation of electrodeposited nickel nanowires using NCA template. : .
2003 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Fabrication and characterization of nickel nanowires deposited on metal substrate
Rahman, IZ and Razeeb, KM and Rahman, MA and Kamruzzaman, Md (2003) Fabrication and characterization of nickel nanowires deposited on metal substrate. : .
2002 Monatshefte für Chemie – Chemical Monthly Influence of nanoporosity and roughness on the thickness-dependent coercivity of iron nanonetworks
Tofail, Syed AM and Rahman, Zakia I and Rahman, Abdur M and Mahmood, Razeeb KU (2002) Influence of nanoporosity and roughness on the thickness-dependent coercivity of iron nanonetworks. : .

Book Chapters

Year Publication
2018 Nanowire ACF for ultrafine-pitch flip-chip interconnect
Kafil M. Razeeb, Jing Tao, Frank Stam (2018) Nanowire ACF for ultrafine-pitch flip-chip interconnect . : Springer.
2016 Electrochemically Fabricated Nanostructures in Energy Storage and Conversion Applications
Razeeb, Kafil M. and Hasan, Maksudul and Jamal, Mamun and Mathewson, Alan (2016) Electrochemically Fabricated Nanostructures in Energy Storage and Conversion Applications. : Springer International Publishing.
2015 Vertically aligned nanowire based sensors and its catalytic applications
Kafil M. Razeeb, Mamun Jamal, Maksudul Hasan and Alan Mathewson (2015) Vertically aligned nanowire based sensors and its catalytic applications. : Springer-Verlag.
2011 Robust Design for High Temperature and High Voltage Applications
Vermesan, O; Laes, E; Ottella, M; Jamal, M; Kubik, J; Razeeb, KM; John, R; Gall, H; Abrate, M; Cordero, N and others (2011) Robust Design for High Temperature and High Voltage Applications. : Springer Netherlands.
2011 Nanowire-Polymer Nanocomposites as Thermal Interface Material
Razeeb, Kafil M and Dalton, Eric (2011) Nanowire-Polymer Nanocomposites as Thermal Interface Material. : InTech.
2009 Thermal properties of carbon nanotube-silicone composites
Kafil M. Razeeb, Ju Xu, Eric D. Dalton, Muhammad M. Ramli, Maurice N. Collins and Saibal Roy (2009) Thermal properties of carbon nanotube-silicone composites. : Nova science publishers.
2005 Nickel nanowires obtained by template synthesis
Rahman, IZ and Razeeb, KM and Rahman, MA (2005) Nickel nanowires obtained by template synthesis. : Springer.

Conference Contributions

Year Publication
2014 12th European Conference on Thermoelectricity (ECT2014)
Maksudul Hasan, Devendraprakash Gautam, Ryan Enright, Domhnaill Hernon, Kafil M. Razeeb (2014) 12th European Conference on Thermoelectricity (ECT2014). : .
2014 2014 ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting
Kafil M. Razeeb, Maksudul Hasan, Devendraprakash Gautam and Eric Dalton (2014) 2014 ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting. : .
2013 224th ECS Meeting (October 27–November 1, 2013)
Razeeb, Kafil (2013) 224th ECS Meeting (October 27–November 1, 2013). : .
2013 223rd ECS Meeting
Jamal, Mamun and Hasan, Maksudul and Schmidt, Michael and Petkov, Nikolay and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M. (2013) 223rd ECS Meeting . : .
2013 Swiss Conference on Thermoelectrics (TEP-CH 2013): Synthesis and Function of Thermoelectric Materials
Maksudul Hasan, Ryan Enright, Eric Dalton, Domhnaill Hernon and Kafil M. Razeeb (2013) Swiss Conference on Thermoelectrics (TEP-CH 2013): Synthesis and Function of Thermoelectric Materials. : .
2012 221st ECS Meeting
Maksudul Hasan and Kafil M. Razeeb (2012) 221st ECS Meeting. : .
2012 22nd Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors
Mamun Jamal, Bilal Aslam, Maksudul Hasan, Alan Mathewson and Kafil M. Razeeb (2012) 22nd Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors. : .
2011 219th ECS Meeting
Hasan, Maksudul and Jamal, Mamun and Razeeb, Kafil M. (2011) 219th ECS Meeting. : .
2011 219th ECS Meeting
Mamun Jamal, Maksudul Hasan, Alan Mathewson and Kafil M. Razeeb (2011) 219th ECS Meeting. : .

Conference Publications

Year Publication
2012 221st ECS Annual Meeting
Maksudul Hasan, Simon B Newcomb, and Kafil M. Razeeb (2012) 221st ECS Annual Meeting. : .
2012 IEEE Nano 2012
Ju Xu, Kafil M. Razeeb, Suresh K. Sitaraman and Alan Mathewson (2012) IEEE Nano 2012 . : .
2012 221st ECS Meeting
Jamal, Mamun and Aslam, Bilal and Hasan, Maksudul and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M (2012) 221st ECS Meeting. : .
2012 Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm), 2012 13th IEEE Intersociety Conference on
Larsson, Andreas and Vardoy, Astrid-Sofie B and Oldervoll, Froydis and Storstrom, Olav and Mielnik, Michal and Dalton, Eric and Mahmood, Kafil and Min, Deokki and Taklo, Maaike (2012) Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm), 2012 13th IEEE Intersociety Conference on. : .
2012 Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2012 IEEE 62nd
Smet, Vanessa and Jamal, Mamun and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M (2012) Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2012 IEEE 62nd. : .
2012 Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 2012 12th IEEE Conference on
Xu, Ju and Razeeb, Kafil M and Sitaraman, Suresh K and Mathewson, Alan (2012) Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 2012 12th IEEE Conference on. : .
2011 219th ECS Meeting
Hasan, Maksudul and Jamal, Mamun and Razeeb, Kafil M (2011) 219th ECS Meeting. : .
2010 IMAPS Int. Conf. on Device Packaging
Ramm, Peter and Lietaer, Nicolas and De Raedt, Walter and Fritsch, Thomas and Hilt, Thierry and Couderc, Pascal and Val, Christian and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M and Stam, Frank and others (2010) IMAPS Int. Conf. on Device Packaging. : .
2009 59th Electronic Components & Technology Conference (ECTC 2009),
Alessio Munari, Ju Xu, Eric Dalton, Alan Mathewson and Kafil M. Razeeb (2009) 59th Electronic Components & Technology Conference (ECTC 2009), . : .
2009 IEEE 59th Electronic Components and Technology Conference 59th Electronic Components and Technology Conference
Munari, A and Xu, J and Dalton, E and Mathewson, A and Razeeb, KM (2009) IEEE 59th Electronic Components and Technology Conference 59th Electronic Components and Technology Conference. : .
2009 Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 2009. ECTC 2009. 59th
Munari, Alessio and Xu, Ju and Dalton, Eric and Mathewson, Alan and Razeeb, Kafil M (2009) Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 2009. ECTC 2009. 59th. : .
2009 Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 2009. ECTC 2009. 59th
Stam, F and Razeeb, KM and Salwa, S and Mathewson, A (2009) Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 2009. ECTC 2009. 59th. : .
2007 ASME/JSME 2007 Thermal Engineering Heat Transfer Summer Conference collocated with the ASME 2007 InterPACK Conference
Razeeb, Kafil M and Munari, Alessio and Dalton, Eric and Punch, Jeff and Roy, Saibal (2007) ASME/JSME 2007 Thermal Engineering Heat Transfer Summer Conference collocated with the ASME 2007 InterPACK Conference. : .
2006 Emerging Technologies-Nanoelectronics, 2006 IEEE Conference on
Rahman, IZ and Razeeb, KM and Rahman, MA (2006) Emerging Technologies-Nanoelectronics, 2006 IEEE Conference on. : .
2004 Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, 2004. EPTC 2004. Proceedings of 6th
Majeed, B and Delaney, K and Barton, J and Razeeb, KM and MacCarthy, N and O’mathuna, C (2004) Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, 2004. EPTC 2004. Proceedings of 6th. : .
2004 Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, 2004. EPTC 2004. Proceedings of 6th
Barton, J and Lynch, A and Bellis, S and O’Flynn, B and Mahmood, K and Delaney, K and O’Mathuna, SC (2004) Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, 2004. EPTC 2004. Proceedings of 6th. : .
2004 Proceedings. 2004 IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (IEEE Cat. No. 04EX921)
Bellis, S and Razeeb, Kafil Mahmood and Saha, C and Delaney, Kieran and O’Mathuna, C and Pounds-Cornish, Anthony and de Souza, Gustavo and Colley, Martin and Hagras, Hani and Clarke, Graham and others (2004) Proceedings. 2004 IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (IEEE Cat. No. 04EX921). : .
2004 Field-Programmable Technology, 2004. Proceedings. 2004 IEEE International Conference on
Bellis, S and Razeeb, Kafil Mahmood and Saha, C and Delaney, Kieran and O’Mathuna, C and Pounds-Cornish, Anthony and de Souza, Gustavo and Colley, Martin and Hagras, Hani and Clarke, Graham and others (2004) Field-Programmable Technology, 2004. Proceedings. 2004 IEEE International Conference on. : .
2004 Proceedings of the 2nd European Union symposium on Ambient intelligence
Razeeb, Kafil M and Bellis, Stephen and O’Flynn, Brendan and Barton, John and Delaney, Kieran and O’Mathuna, Cian (2004) Proceedings of the 2nd European Union symposium on Ambient intelligence. : .
2001 IEEE Nanotechnology Conference, 2001
Razeeb, KM and Rahman, IZ and Rahman, MA (2001) IEEE Nanotechnology Conference, 2001. : .
2001 Nanotechnology, 2001. IEEE-NANO 2001. Proceedings of the 2001 1st IEEE Conference on
Razeeb, KM and Rahman, IZ and Rahman, MA (2001) Nanotechnology, 2001. IEEE-NANO 2001. Proceedings of the 2001 1st IEEE Conference on. : .


Year Publication
2010 Magnetic Nanowires: Fabrication and Characterisation
Razeeb, Kafil M. (2010) Magnetic Nanowires: Fabrication and Characterisation. : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.

Other Journals

Year Journal Publication
2003 Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials Growth of Ni-nanowires by Electrodeposition Technique
Razeeb, KM and Rahman, IZ and Rahman, MA (2003) Growth of Ni-nanowires by Electrodeposition Technique. : .

Professional Activities


  • English

Professional Associations

  • [2006] Chartered Physicist and Member
  • [2011] Senior Member
  • Member


  • [2008] COST action MP0701, Representative from Ireland in the area of “Composites with Novel Functional and Structural Properties by Nanoscale Materials (Nano Composite Materials-NCM)”
  • [2014] International Organizing Committee – ECS Symposium on Thermoelectric and Thermal Transport,
  • South Asia Regional Working Group,


  • [2014] US8703271B2 – Thermal Interface Materials
  • [2013] EP2162910B1 – Thermal Interface Materials

Honours and Awards

  • [2014] – Best Paper Award in IMAPS 3rd Micro/Nano-Electronics Packaging & Assembly, Design and Manufacturing Forum, 3rd MiNaPAD Forum 2014, MINATEC Grenoble, France
  • [2016] – PurdyLucey and UCC ICT Invention of the Year
  • [2011] – 2011 ENIAC Innovation Award
  • [2011] – Biosensors and Bioelectronics Top Cited Author for 2010 and 2011
  • [2000] – Higher Education Authority, Ireland Scholarship
  • [1998] – Research Fellowship, Ministry of Science and Technology
  • [1997] – University Scholarship
  • [1991] – Board Scholarship
  • [1987] – Junior Scholarship
  • [2017] – Horizon 2020 Champion Award


  • [1997] University of Dhaka – Bachelor of Science (Hons)
  • [1999] University of Dhaka – Master of Science
  • [2003] University of Limerick – DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY

Journal Activities

  • Applied Physics Letters – Referee
  • Biosens Bioelectron – Referee
  • Acs Appl Mater Interfaces – Referee
  • J Appl Phys – Referee
  • Analyst – Referee
  • J. Electrochem. Soc. – Referee
  • Mater Lett – Referee
  • Electrochimica Acta – Referee
  • Polymer International – Referee
  • J Solid State Electr – Referee
  • Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineerin – Referee
  • Chem Eng J – Referee
  • Sci Rep-Uk – Referee
  • Electronic Letters – Referee
  • Nanotechnology – Referee
  • ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology – Guest Editor
  • Ionics – Referee
  • Advanced Energy Materials – Referee
  • J Brazil Chem Soc – Referee
  • Nano Energy – Referee

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

Currently teaching part of a post graduate module in EE department- UE6008 – Thermal issues in MEMS

Current Postgraduates

Student Degree
Kaur Rajvinder Doctoral Degree (Structured)

Recent Postgraduates

Student Degree Graduation Year Institution Thesis
Swatchith Lal PHD DOCTOR OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES 2021 University College Cork Development of thermoelectric materials and micro-devices for cooling and power generation
Han Shao PHD DOCTOR OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES 2018 University College Cork Nanostructure Materials based Supercapattery for Next Generation Pacemaker
Jing Tao 2016 University College Cork Nanowires for 3D Silcon Interconnection- Low Temperature Compliant Nanowire-Polymer Film for Z-axis Interconnect
Alessio Munari PhD 2011 University of Limerick An Investigation of the Fabrication and Characterisation of Nanocomposite Thermal Interface Materials