Key Info
Duration: 2024-2026
Acronym: 2DMEM
PI Name: Sharieh Jamalzadeh/Lida Ansari
Topic: MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022
Title: Revealing the physics of switching mechanism in 2D materials based memristor devices (2DMEM)
Coordinator: Sharieh Jamalzadeh/Lida Ansari
Total Participants: 1
Project No: 101109772
EU Contribution: € 199694.4

Project Info
One of the most promising non-volatile memory devices and a building block of brain-inspired neuromorphic computing architectures is memristors. The advent of two-dimensional materials (2DMs) has opened a plethora of opportunities in realising ultra-scaled device dimensions for future logic and memory applications. Despite different hypotheses proposed in the literature, mainly based on analytical models, significant debate is still ongoing, demonstrating the need for a systematic and atomic-scale study. 2DMEM aims to reveal the fundamental physics lying behind each step of device functionality, e.g., SET and RESET.
2DMEM involves investigating the electronic properties of 2DMs, using simulation expertise and infrastructure. The Tyndall Institute has access to a large interdisciplinary suite of experimental data on the fabricated 2DM memristors. 2DMEM’s specific objectives are to exploit the experimental data of 2DM properties, and to incorporate “realistic” material and device features into crossbar structures by employing an advanced simulation platform.
Involved in the project are Dr Lida Ansari as well as Professors Paul Hurley, Stephen Fahy and Dr Farzan Gity, who are established research leaders at Tyndall and at Ireland’s materials research centre (AMBER). Intel has expressed interest in this project, through its R-in-R at Tyndall.