Key Info
Duration: 2023-2025
Acronym: AURORA
PI Name: Daniela Iacopino/Brendan O’Flynn
Topic: CL2-2022-HERITAGE-01-07
Title: Artwork Unique RecognitiOn and tRacking through chemicAL encoded data, miniaturized devices and blockchain alliance Collection
Coordinator: AVVALE
Total Participants: 9
Project No: 3466354
EU Contribution: € 3466354
Project Info
Artifacts are constantly threatened by anthropogenic actions. Looting, smuggling and illicit trade in cultural goods pose major risks to our cultural goods and cultural identity. One of the major consequences of these illegal activities is dissociation, meaning the loss of information associated with an object, such as provenance, identification or location information, without which the object loses significance or is lost. AURORA will create an effective artwork digital identity by analysing the chemical composition of deep layers of artworks.
This digital identity will be permanently and unalterably stored, to improve cultural heritage management by means of a stable physical-to-digital identity connection. AURORA will foster technological democratisation among cultural institutions, by creating a knowledge bridge between technical competencies and cultural heritage professionals.