Key Info
Duration: 2021-2024
Acronym: DEMETER
PI Name: Sinan Bugu/Giorgos Fagas
Title: A scalable semiconductor quantum computation platform based on Ge hole spin-qubits in rhombic
Coordinator: Sinan Bugu & Giorgos Fagas
No. of Partners: N/A
Project No: 101066761
EU Contribution: € 215534
Project Info
This project involves research in experimental condensed matter physics to overcome limitations in coherence time, single-gate operation frequency, and scalable readout associated with challenges in realising quantum computers. DEMETER builds on the leading fabrication expertise and infrastructure at Tyndall National Institute, and know-how in quantum information processing. The project will use Ge as an emerging quantum material platform to realise Ge-hole spin qubits in strained Ge/SiGe heterostructures and gate-defined RQQDs formed in the underlying Ge. DEMETER aims to demonstrate a beyond-state-of-the art scalable qubit platform using the emergent architecture of Rhombic Quadruple Quantum Dots (RQQDs) and the Ge material platform.
Using this novel architecture and exploiting advances in fabrication processes, rf-based novel techniques – that is, rf single-electron transistor (RF-SET) and gate-based sensing for qubit readout – will be implemented, offering scalability through integration of both the qubit realisation and control readout. The project aims to achieve advances in coherence time, fast qubit operation and fast readout, and contribute to the scalability of quantum microchips.
Involved in the project are Dr Giorgos Fagas, an established leader at Tyndall; the Irish and European quantum technologies communities; Drs Duffy and Petkov, experts in processing Ge nanostructures; and Dr Fernando Gonzalez-Zalba, a leading researcher in gate-based sensing reflectometry. The project aims to support the EU Quantum Technologies flagship and foster leading expertise in quantum computing.