Key Info
Duration: 2022-2026
Acronym: FreeHydroCells
PI Name: Scott Monaghan
Topic: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03
Title: Freestanding energy-to-Hydrogen fuel by water splitting using Earth-abundant materials in a novel, eco-friendly, sustainable and scalable photoelectrochemical Cell system
Coordinator: Tyndall National Institute
Total Participants: 7
Project No: 101084261
EU Contribution: € 3 748 300,00
Project Info
The EU-funded FreeHydroCells project aims to develop a new photoelectrochemical system that can efficiently convert solar energy to chemical energy. The planned system will mimic the solar-energy absorption potential of a leaf by arraying cascades of nanometre-thick semiconducting materials as buried interfaces known as p-n junctions. When submerged in water and exposed to sunlight, the junctions will split water photoelectrochemically. The produced hydrogen will store the solar energy in a chemical form. FreeHydroCells will leverage advances in areas like thin-film engineering to increase the solar-to-chemical energy conversion. New materials will be cost-effectively synthesised using atomic layer deposition and chemical vapour deposition.