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MedPhab - Photonics Solutions at Pilot Scale for Accelerated Medical Device Development



Photonics is the science and technology of light. Combining optics and electronics, it deals with generating, guiding, manipulating, amplifying and detecting light. The widespread use of photonics technologies in medical applications (from diagnostic devices to instruments for treatment) has given rise to challenges for both end-user companies and manufacturers. The EU-funded MedPhab project will address these challenges. It will serve as Europe’s first pilot line dedicated to manufacturing, testing, validating and upscaling new photonics technologies for medical diagnostics enabling accelerated product launch with reduced R&D costs. The MedPhab operation process and technology readiness will be validated by upscaling and demonstrating the performance of five innovative medical diagnostics products. A demo case open calls programme will also facilitate the early adoption of the technologies by external users.

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EU H2020 Projects